Get The Right Job In Some Developing Countries

Is the knowledge in your company grow? Stagnated or even declined? Who cares? Probably not much, or worse than that, absolutely nothing is ignored if the knowledge in your organization increases or decreases. After all, the company is still running, so why should busy taking care of complicated things like that? Compared with the assets in the form of jawatan kosong 2012, buildings, or any capital that is managed with very seriously by the company, the knowledge belonging to at least get the attention of management. Very few companies in Indonesia which put knowledge as a strategic part of asset or "knowledge management" as part of the free download drivers development efforts.

How to get the right job in some developing countries?. Such companies typically think little of the loss of their human resources due to changed jobs, retired, until his death. Company management does not realize that the departure of these people brought with them the knowledge they already bucket while working at the company. For management, there are plenty of people who are able to contribute to the company. Knowledge and experience that have been dug by employees is often not collected in one bag, so that when these people go, the contents of the bag that knowledge does not also increase. In fact, it may be reduced because there are some employees who have reached the level of 'expert' in certain areas it was time to retire.

The problem, yet there are people capable of replacing employees who retire it. Knowledge already acquired these employees have not been passed, nor had accumulated in the pockets of corporate knowledge. What can make, companies must educate more staff, or recruit from outside. Cost of course must be removed. How to get the right job in some developing countries?. Moreover, the management company may forget that the knowledge gained from work experience is typically more valuable than the theoretical knowledge acquired in the bleachers course or workshop. Companies that "literacy knowledge" well aware of this advantage. They realized how very much value the knowledge embodied in the experience of its employees.

By gathering in one bag, employees can share knowledge and insights derived from their experience. The key lies in the willingness to share knowledge. How to get the right job in some developing countries?. The obstacle is the parsimonious attitude to transmit knowledge for fear that other employees to grow smart.

Companies that "literacy knowledge" to realize that the accumulation of knowledge gained from working on various projects will contribute very positively to the improvement of corporate management. Knowledge management will also help speed up the processes, because thanks to the help of information technology employees everywhere can learn from each other, both from successes and mistakes or failures. Knowledge management also helps reduce costs, primarily associated with improved quality of human resources.

By realizing the benefits of knowledge management, at least we begin to move to start thinking about what can be done so that these intangible assets can be managed properly. How to get the right job in some developing countries?. The benefits could always be enjoyed by individual employees and companies.
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