Free Your Mind To Have Better Life From Now

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Free your mind to have better life from now. We can see how the HOS gait Tjokroaminoto who become teachers and educators for Sukarno, Kartosuwirjo, and Semaun. How Asyari Hashim Ahmad Dahlan and has given rise to great men. Today we crave the presence of great teachers who make educational activities as the soul. Not just a profession. Teachers who become friends dialectics his students and also partner discussions. The meaning of an educator is illustrated beautifully by Socrates who said, "I am not a midwife just a midwife. Not midwife who just gave birth to human babies. But I'm someone who gave birth to the birth of human brilliant ideas. "

Teachers, not only teaching, but also arouse the awareness of students. In the middle of the ocean mass skepticism, is a teacher who spearheaded the return of national optimism that once Indonesia had. Thus, sad heart to see thousands of teachers in West Java have not received benefits since July 2010. Free your mind to have better life from now. Attraction between the interests of the executive and the Legislative West Java makes teachers as objects of policy. On the other hand, the budget allowance to be polemical discussion raises the question, whether the budget should be delayed given the proper allowance is certain?

At this point, may we remind that the state must first humanize teachers. Free your mind to have better life from now. A total of 57 participants attended the exhibition, which originated from the elements of early childhood education institutions, the central technical unit, the unit within the Director General of the paudni with the aim to demonstrate the work productivity in an effort to alleviate ketunaaksaraan. Regarding the rate of illiteracy, Hamid said, although the illiteracy rate in Indonesia Hana reach five percent, but this does not mean not doing something about the data.

"Although only five percent, but the absolute number in the field very much and very challenging. In addition, 60-70 percent Those aged over 50 years," said Hamid, after opening the exhibition. For that, he continued, in accordance with the theme of International Literacy Day which is Literacy for Peace, the focus is taken that is not only taught writing and arithmetic only. "but also integrated with taught to coexist with," he said. Free your mind to have better life from now.

Although illiteracy alleviation program has been since last year, concrete steps were still being done, in the form of modules that are taught to the public.
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